

Softonic review

Get Directions on the Map Online

Get directions on the map online with the Проложить маршрут на карте онлайн program. This free Chrome add-on allows users to easily plan their routes on a map. Whether you're traveling by car, bus, or on foot, you can input your starting and ending points to determine your route on the map of any city in the world. Whether you need directions between two streets or buildings within the same city, or between two cities or countries, this program has you covered.

Once you have determined your route, you can immediately view it online. The program provides you with the distance and estimated time for your journey.

User data privacy is a top priority for this program. It does not require user registration and does not collect any contact or personal information, financial or payment data, medical information, or authentication details. Additionally, the program does not track the user's location or any other GPS data. There are no GPS tools within the program.

Thank you for using Проложить маршрут на карте онлайн for all your mapping needs.

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